Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Take me out to the ball game...

The Blue Jays won this weekend 13-4! Isn't that amazing? I didn't know they had it in them. :) Watching baseball was much more fun than I expected it to be...maybe it was because we were such awesome fans!
If I had won some free stuff or got on the jumbotron that would have "iced the cake".

"Let's go *clap clap* Blue Jays *clap clap* Let's play Ball!"


steph said...

YAAAAAAAAAAYYY! see! baseball IS fun!! that is my second passion in life.. to see lost men and women convert into baseball fans. my first passion, of course, is to see them won over to chocolate. =p okay fine, just joking (about the latter, not the former) =p
i'm glad you guys had a great time though, i really wanted to go to a Jays game when i was there but alas.. they were on the road. =/
T-minus 3 days til Summit, whooooooo! =D

Dawei said...

just know you love music, never knew you like sport too.

Beth said...

sarah phillips! i LOVE sarah phillips.


Terra said...


Jill said...

I echo Terra... Happy Birthday Jenn!!! your blog makes me laugh!! For some reason I can see you, just like Braden, that sweet little flower at staff conference, fading when people leave... and then coming back to life when they come back! It's a lovely picture of how you love people Jenn. Sorry it's belate, but I hope this year is the best one yet. Summer adventure trips maybe???