Sunday, September 03, 2006

Song for the Year

If all I've done, at last should come to nothing.
And all I love, like sand be washed away,
Still I will sing, of Your unfailing glory.
On bended knee, I'll lift my voice and say.


Great is the Lord, Great is Your name,
Til my last breath, I will proclaim,
Great is the Lord, Great is Your name,
I give my life, to sing Your praise.

If you should speak, or should remain in silence,
Should give me light, or lead me through the dark,
Whatever the cost, whatever joy or sorrow,
I'll worship still because of who You are.

When death becomes, the end of all my labours,
And Christ alone my rest and reward,
May all I've done, be one enduring echo,
Resounding on to shout, Great is the Lord.

man, and that's why i do what i do...(Great is the Lord by Starfield)


Wendy said...

yay Jen you updated your blog!! =)

I love starfied.

steph said...

jen! aha, here you are on the world wide web. =p Starfield is good times. =D
i liked reading your other posts. you are a funny gal. =p later gator