Friday, September 01, 2006

not to dwell, but just to trust...

Here's a quote from a wise great uncle of mine whom i respect very much,

"It is good to read these scpriptures(Isaiah 40, Psalm 19) often to remind us how awesome a God we really serve. It is really difficult for me sometimes to understand with my finite wisdom who God really is and how He does what He does. But I believe every word that is written, and when I do think about it, I don't dwell on it, I just say God I do believe what you say in the scriptures and You are truly the great I AM , and my all sufficiency. Thankyou LORD."

I say thank you Lord very much for this encouragement. And so often my attitude is not the humble "i believe what it says" attitude. I want to be teachable/humble but i just want to be there...not get there.

I hope this encourages you too. :) God is more than one step ahead of us.

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