Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A good promise.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:19

So...God will supply all my physical, emotional, spiritual, relational needs according to his glorious riches (which is a lot because He owns everything - 'cause He made everything!) in Christ Jesus.

I hope I'm interpreting this correctly - feel free to leave an opinion! But I have been greatly encouraged by this verse lately. And I have also been challenged because I don't act as if this is true!

I was feeling stressed and worried about changes happening in my life - trying to think of how to provide for all the things that are changing. Like, friends - many of my London friends are leaving (not all!) but I'm starting to wonder who will fill in those spaces in my life? And what about spiritually - will there be people around and available who can build into me spiritually? I really feel like I need to find a female role model in my life - someone much older than me (not related) who can really challenge me by their life. I'm meeting people like this in my travels and it's inspiring me to get to know one well and to become more like them. I'm praying to find one in London.

On another note - today I went to the International Headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ and it was pretty cool! We found them to be generous and welcoming hosts and the place, although it looked good and well-kept, was actually not over-the-top. It was classy though! I held Steve Douglas's mouse and sat in Bill Bright's former couch in his former office. Good stuff!

I found out about a new website too - full of people's (students mostly) stories. It's called . So check it out...i met the girl who was overseeing it. I feel so "in the know". ;)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That's awesome, that was my theme verse for this year!