Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The value of a word

The case for the Bible is definitely stronger than what i ever used to think! If I had any doubts about whether the Bible is true, they'd be gone by now! But even if I trust it - I have been challenged with how much i value it.

Ps. 19: 10 says "More to be desired than gold - even much fine gold" There are definitely things that I would rather God left me stranded on a desert island with than my Bible, if I'm honest! Mostly, it's people - I'd rather have people around than God and His word. I read it a bit and then I'm on to new things. It's good - it's just not the key to my life.

1 Tim 3:16 says "All Scripture is...useful for teaching, rebuking, correction, and training...that the man of God may be equipped for every good work." So if i believe it then it would be my first and last place to look for my own self training. I would spend lots of time - looking through it. I don't think I really believe it.

These next two weeks will be a chance for me to dig in and enjoy whatever God has to offer in His word and in Himself. Looking forward to it! Posted by Picasa


Jill said...

Hi Jen,
5:04 a.m. You are wonder woman. I'm so glad to have heard from you!! I was thinking... who is jammer?? But then, such a gift because I don't even have your email address. Hey, what about a trip next summer, either up a mountain, for a good hike, or a kayak trip... what do you think?
what a great picture=)

jammer said...

jill, i don't know if you'll come back to this but it acutally wasn't 5:04 am...i don't know what got messed up there. I would be so into a trip next summer. mountains, hiking, kayaking, biking :P, it all floats my boat!

Jill said...

Hi Jen,
I did check back, and I'm pumped... and still impressed that you blogged, no matter the time of day. Mike W said he's planning a west coast trail trip! Could be fun... I may be going on a big trip with my dad though, so I"m hoping I can still do both. I hope that your September is going great! You're the bomb Jen=)