Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'm in Florida...

Florida in the summer - never thought i'd be here but it's been great! I'm taking a course in the different parts of christianity (ex. about the bible, who God is, who Jesus is,...) and another one in how to study the bible. I've learned so neat thing we did was in looking at different attributes of God. I looked at God's interesting - i learned how God's providence includes His preservation of us, His government of us, and His cooperation with us.
There is definitely too much air conditioning in Florida - so i always need a jacket! But it's still good :) We went to the beach yesterday to see the space shuttle launch - unfortunately it was cancelled. Don't worry - we still got a tan! :P
I signed up for this so that i could leave a message on Melissa manahan's blog - she's going to Tanzania. someday i'll figure out how to link to her site. :)
see ya!

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