Sunday, March 18, 2007

time flies - and tag!

Well - its only a few more weeks til school is done and then OEX and then wedding and then staff conference and honeymoon and then right back to school. I think im moving through life a bit too fast (gotta enjoy the moment, right?) but right now the time seems to be flying by.

At the same time - time seems so slow. Im excited to get married and have all the planning and waiting done with. But i think once OEX is done it will zoom right by.

it seems like i just moved in to the place im at now and havent completely unpacked just to pack up again. i havent moved so often ever in my life!

But we have got an apt. on the third floor in the middle of staff friends and the school. its a great amount of space and we can even move in early - before we have to leave for project! its going to work out really well i think.

sorry i dont keep this up very well - but i was tagged by Ben to write five things people don't know about me:

1) i really like receiving gifts - some people know this...but it's true! they make me feel special

2) i've never had a driving ticket or a mark on my insurance but i have hit a deer!

3) i'm pretty lousy at any sport with an implement (ie. racquets, sticks, golf clubs...)

4) i cut all my sister's hair off when i was 4 years old

5) i was named (partly) after the jenny in "Chariots of Fire"

that's all i could think of. hope at least one of those things was new!

i now tag...debbie and jill wenger